Throughout the process of writing paper 2, I felt much better about the revision process than I did in paper 1. In my first paper, I was new to the idea of global revision so I spent more time on more local revisions. During the second paper, I was definitely more open to the idea of global revision, as suggested by my peers during peer review. My writing process for this paper was certainly the best out of all three papers because I was able to synthesize my ideas into my paper from an outline, then received feedback from my peers that guided my revision. 

During this revision, I started with more global issues as suggested by my peers, Jess and Morgan. Jess gave me more global revision suggestions. She suggested that I stop shying away from larger paragraphs and include a more cohesive analysis in between and after quotes. For example, in my fourth and fifth paragraphs, she suggested that after I have explained my quotes and dropped my ideas, I should expand on them and provide more of my voice instead of letting the quotes do the work. This really helped pull my ideas together and really provide my readers with why my ideas in this paper are important. During the revision of this paper was where I really got into dissecting my ideas more, rather than just stating them. This is most definitely my biggest success as far as global revision. 

Much of my local revision during this paper consisted of fixing sentences that were worded awkwardly, or changing repetitive words. I found that when writing this paper, it was hard to vary my word choice so much of my local revision was re-reading my paper and fixing wording that was repetiive or awkward. My peers were also a great resource when it came to local revisions as well. When providing feedback for my paper, Jess helped fix a lot of my wording even in the first paragraph. This helped keep readers from getting distracted by awkward sentences, and allowed them to focus more on the ideas presented. 

Overall, while my first paper had much more revision, I think my second paper represents a more organized revision process. I also found that my revision was much more meaningful during paper 2, as it was mostly driven towards my thesis and analysis of the points I had chosen to include, rather than sentence-level errors. I think this made the writing process much smoother for the projects following, and made my papers much more meaningful.